Taking that next step…
When the pandemic hit earlier this year, it opened my eyes to an opportunity I thought was still far off. Retraining at anything after being out of work for so long and whilst having 3 children felt a bit out of reach. I thought that at least for now I would get any old job now to keep me ticking over. And once the children were grown and moved out, then i would focus on my dreams.
But with the pandemic a new opportunity arose. With schools being cancelled and exams cancelled, and so much uncertainty of what university would look like come September, I thought perhaps I could jump on a course through clearing. Sadly it was not to be, but it did reopen my eyes to the prospect of going back to university a lot sooner. It triggered a conversation with my husband I had been to scared to have previously. I wanted something for me, I wanted to chase my dream. It had always felt unfair, unfair to go after my dreams when he had fallen into a career to support us and our growing family all those years ago and doesn’t have that same luxury. But its not a case of one or the other, its a case of now and then. So we had the chat, was this actually a possibility?
After a long, and hard conversation on my behalf (I have never been good at owning up to what I really want) we worked out that there was a path for me to achieve this goal. I attempted to go through clearing, but I massively underestimated the amazing women who are fighting to start their own midwifery journeys.
So here I am, applying for the following year. Whilst going through the process I thought it would be interesting to document the experience. When I was researching how to apply and the process I loved reading blogs and watching YouTube videos of other amazing student midwives and midwives. It brought excitement and insight into a world I hope to one day be a part of.
So here is my first video, I plan to make a series of the application process, interviews and the journey to getting into and completing a midwifery degree. I hope this is something that you find informative and can be just another page in the story of individuals sharing their journeys online.